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             The physician that performed the first successful laryngectomy in the USA Solis-Cohen stated in 1892, "I am afraid that there is a tendency to the operation being overrated, if we do not appreciate the usually miserable conditions of the patients who have undergone it successfully, for there is an important difference between `recovery' and mere "survival' after the operation."(2) .
             Function of the larynx.
             The larynx has three main functions biological, emotional, and linguistic. The first to cover is the biological functions. There are three biological functions of the larynx: control of the air during breathing, protection of the airway, and the forceful expulsion of foreign substances, which threaten to enter either the larynx or trachea (Zemlin, 1998). The primary function is to keep one from aspirating. While swallowing foods the larynx raises, and the cartilage attachment known as the epiglottis folds down protecting the open airway, diverting the food into the esophagus.
             The second function is emotional. Even as an infant, differential cries are used to let parents know of different needs they want met. As we grow older we learn to modify our voice to adjust to the situation. By changing the size of the vocal folds one can produce various pitch changes. When angry one might raise their voice, when scared the voice might become timid or trembling. With the differential ways of varying our voice we can express to others what kind of a mood we are in, and by listening to voice changes in others we can tell the mood of the people around us.
             The linguistic function is the last and the larynx helps with the production of sound for speech. Expressive language is an important part of everyday life, it is a primary source of how we get our needs met. Laryngeal voicing plays a vital role in the expression of both emotional and linguistic communication (Boone & Mcfarlane, 2000). Physical disorders of the larynx and surrounding structures can have many affects including biological, emotional, linguistic, and artistic.

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