The operational-level IS characteristic are repetitive, predictable, emphasizes the past and detailed in nature just to name a few. The focus of the operational system is the daily tasks performed at the user level. The operational level manager uses this data to check every day tasks, i.e. ordering, shipping, inventory control, the essence of the business processes.
The second level in the framework is the tactical system. This system provide middle-level managers with information to monitor and control operation while allocating their resources efficiently. The data is summarized, aggregated, or analyzed with a wide range of reports, i.e., summary, exception and ah hoc reports. The tactical information system differs from operational information system in the basic purpose: operational support the execution of tasks and a tactical information system supports a manager control over those tasks under their area of supervision as well as the allocation of resources to meet the company objectives set by top management. The data input and the information produced as outputs differ from the type of data involved, tactical characteristics are periodic in nature, with unexpected findings, comparative in nature with both internal and external sources. The tactical information system purpose and the regularity of report produced within the information system are drastically different from an operational system.
The third level in the framework is strategic planning, designed to provide top managers with information that assist them in making long-range planning decisions for the business. The different in strategic and tactical are not always clear, because both types of information systems may use some of the same data, you might say that the systems sometimes overlap with the difference being in the data that the system uses. Typically, top management uses strategic planning system to forecast long-range company objectives.