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Coach Chuck Noll


            Chuck Noll is arguably the most successful head coach in NFL history. Noll has won more Super Bowls than any other man by following a system of leadership, ethics, and values that he has made his own. Noll was a firm believer in the team concept above all else. Noll did not think that any one individual was greater than the team and because of this he tried to treat all of his players equally. In my eyes is this is a very important concept that many coaches especially in the pro level overlook. If you are giving you star athletes more attention than the rest of your team all you are going to do is create problems with your team. No team member wants to feel insignificant and Noll understood this and tried to eliminate this feeling whenever he could. Noll also stressed the importance of team cooperation and team management, without these ingredients Noll felt as though the team would never be successful. Noll put all of these ideas to work for him in a masterful way and he enjoyed great results in return. I think it is too bad that more coaches don't get the picture when it comes to things like this.

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