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This also includes rational planning to delay gratification (Freud, Early 1900's). Another part of Freud's structural theory are defense mechanisms such as repression, rationalization, projection, denial, reaction formation, displacement, sublimation, intellectualization, and isolation. Repression is conscious or unconscious removal of unwanted thoughts and desires from the mind such as dreams and hypnosis. Rationalization is invention of logical, socially desirable motive to justify unacceptable behavior. Attributing to others unacceptable feelings/thoughts that we personally deny having is referred to as projection. Denial is ignoring reality or existence of external thoughts, feelings or evidence. Expressing opposite feelings to hide real feelings is called reaction formation. Displacement is venting anger on a safer target than the one that aroused the original feelings. Transforming urges into socially acceptable behavior is referred to as sublimation. Intellectualization is regression of emotional aspects of experience and restarting it as an abstract, intellectual analysis (Freud, early 1900's).
             The next theory that I am going to discuss is Kagan's biological theory, which deals with two different types of temperaments. Temperaments are physiological dispositions to respond to the environment in relatively stable, typical ways, and they may later form the basis of specific personality traits like extraversion. There are two different types of temperament, reactive temperament and non-reactive temperament. Reactive temperament is when a person is excitable, nervous, and overreacts to any little thing, later anxious and timid. Non-reactive temperament is when a person is laid back, never cry, and babble happily; later very outgoing and curious. .
             The third theory that I am going to discuss is the humanistic theories that are made up of three theorists ideas. The three theorists are Maslow, Rogers, and May.

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