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             The media plays a crucial role in the formulation of U.S. foreign policy. While the President is often the leader externally of foreign policy, he realizes he is a co-equal partner with the media, and this is essential to ensure that policy will succeed. If the media dislikes policy adopted by the President it limits its success and also limits the support given to the President by the American people. .
             Public debate on the national interest and goals of foreign policy is vital if practical and logical policy is to be formulated. Unfortunately, most of the time this debate does not appear on the news unless it is directly conducted from politicians themselves. While the press does cover stories and give some detail they cannot actually participate in the debates most of the time. This makes particular sense for those reporters assigned to the executive branch because of the career risks in directly opposing presidential intentions. (Berry 145) .
             To relate the media directly to our case study we should look at a specific example being broadcast from the Middle East. Most Americans receive their news from privately owned television stations while in the Middle East almost all television station there are government owned and regulated. So the people hear what the government wants them to hear. Since September 11th American's see a lot of reporting coming from a station called Al-Jazeera. Al-Jazeera is the exception to the rule. It is broadcast out of Qatar, in the Persian Gulf. The station is targeted to its Arab neighbors and Arab speakers around the world, including the United States. Al-Jazeera makes sure that the Arab view is heard, but it also reports news that is unwelcome to Arab governments. As New York Times reporter John Kifner wrote, "In a part of the world where news has always been the news the government wants, true or not, Al-Jazeera is truly a phenomenon." (Kifner B7) .
             Now that we have a brief introduction as to how the media operates in general pertaining to policy and the government, it is important to look at why these other countries sometimes express hatred towards the U.

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