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The contrasting differences between the Turkish and the Pakistani experience was that Attaturk's efforts continued to be seen after his death whereas his Pakistani counterparts did not succeed in keeping their efforts alive. This could again be attributed to the lower literacy rate of Pakistan, which stands at a meager "31.2 percent as compared to Turkey's 81.6 percent". Another reason is that the formation of Pakistan was based on formation of a separate homeland for the Indian Muslims, whereas Turkey had no such ideology when it came into existence.
             Pakistan since it came into being on August 14th 1947, has witnessed a number of leaders. Civilian and military leaders in the past have attempted to reduce the influence of religion in politics. Ayub Khan and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto were two such leaders.
             An army general who led a coup d"etat against the leader of the nation Iskander Mirza, Ayub Khan was the first to impose martial law in the country. He was a man with western oriented thinking and liberal beliefs. His efforts were to transform Pakistan as a liberal secular state and he hoped to minimize the influence of religion on local politics. "He stressed the need to liberate the spirit of religion from the cobwebs of superstition and stagnation which surrounded it and move forward under the forces of modern science and knowledge". In order to achieve his goal he had kept Kemal Attaturk's modern Turkey as an example to follow. Ayub Khan attempted to counter his opposition and also pursue his goals by performing the following actions. "Islam had not provided any particular pattern of government but had left it to the community to evolve its own pattern to suit its circumstances". Primarily he formulated a new constitution for Pakistan in 1962. Secondly he established and advisory council on Islamic ideology and an Islamic research institute. He also brought reforms to the Muslim family law ordinance.

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