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Drugs And Their Abuses


Although creativity may be enhanced, problem solving deteriorates significantly.
             LSD is made into the form of a liquid and can be onto almost anything. Usually it is ingested by a tiny piece of paper or sugar cube. This drug is so strong that several doses could be put on the head of a pin. Dire.
             A drug on the rapid rise from the 70's is LSD. Some people attribute this to the fact it is extremely inexpensive, $2-4 a hit, the wrong belief by users that it is a safer drug than marijuana because it isn't physically addicting. However, LSD is a hallucinogenic drug that is very dangerous.
             LSD stands for Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. Lysergic acid is extracted from the fungus Ergot, and then left to crystallize until it is pure. It was first accidentally .
             discovered by Albert Hoffman in 1938 in Switzerland, who was searching for possible therapeutic uses of Ergot. Hoffman continued his experiments, but never came in contact .
             with the crystals until1943. Hoffman then sent LSD around the world to be tested and investigated to find medical uses. Lysergic acid deviates were found to relieve migraines and control hemorrhages because it causes veins to contract, but also caused gangrene of the limbs, and so further experimentation with the drug was abandoned. .
             LSD causes depth distortion and impairs rational judgment, which often leads to accidents and injury. Often the user doesn't realize they are injured until the drug wears off, and then the user usually doesn't remember the accident. A user often has enlarged pupils, rapid heartbeat, nausea, chills and trembling, convulsions, extreme mood swings, fear of insanity or death, and severe anxiety. A user who uses high doses often may suffer permanent psychosis. Any user, even a first time user may suffer from flashbacks, where LSD, stored in the spinal cord discs, escapes and comes in contact with the brain. The user may feel as if they were using the drug again for several minutes or less until the LSD wears off.

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