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Drugs And Their Abuses


This causes the drug user to continue to abuse. Endorphin release is also why some people can become compulsive in exercising or even become an extreme sex enthusiast.
             Let me first talk about the drug classification called hallucinogens. This classification of drugs includes LSD, mescaline, psilocybin, and marijuana. These drugs can either be man made or grown naturally. Moreover they can be taken orally, injected, or eaten. Hallucinogens produce radical changes in the mental state, involving distortions of reality and acute hallucinations. These drugs affect all the way person experiences their sense of taste, smell, hearing, touch, and vision. Anxiety, tremors, and panic are all some of the few immediate effects of hallucinogenic drugs.
             Lysergic Acid Diathylamide (LSD) was first made in 1938 by a chemist in Switzerland named Albert Hoffman whom first tested it on animals. No psychedelic disturbances were noticed so it was shelved until 1943 when he accidentally ingested the LSD. Hoffman described: "I was seized by a peculiar cessation of vertigo and restlessness. Objects, as well as the shape of my associates in the laboratory, appeared to undergo optical changes. With my eyes closed, fantastic pictures of extraordinary plasticity and .
             intensive color seemed to surge toward me." After testing it under a controlled substance, he later noted that it brought forth fear and disorganization. His sense of time had disappeared and he thought that he had died. (Julien, 179).
             Expansion of the mind has been a remote reason for the use of LSD. Many artists, actors, and film producers believed their works have been helped due to the psychedelic experiences while using LSD. In the 1960's many music entertainers would not perform unless under the influence of LSD. In a study of four artists that were given LSD, they concluded that the lines and colors were less controlled and more free, and the drawings seemed to be more imaginative and to have greater esthetic value (Barber, 53).

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