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Bilingual Education


             etc. in their home language then in English and to "perceive.
             their culture as an integral part of their education (Porter.
             1 ). They would accomplish this goal by teaching the.
             student in their home language. If the student has a.
             question about something they may ask it in their own.
             language but gradually they may start asking it in English.
             to improve in their English speaking skills. The teacher.
             will make the explanation in English. They also try to get.
             English into the students through music and art. Students.
             may start to attend classes that are taught in English.
             (Lang 63).
             One argument against Bilingual Education is that they.
             are too expensive. It is important to have an understanding.
             of English when living in the United States, after all,.
             "according to the 1990 census, 94 percent of the U.S.
             residents, speak it, to some degree" (Gallegos 98). Critics.
             say that the federal government spends up to $178 million a.
             year ( Porter 7 ). The government should not spend so much.
             money on a program that doesn't really work. Students who.
             don't learn English are not able to excel in school. For.
             that reason, many LEP students drop out and sometimes resort.
             to crime. Recent studies have shown that 1 out 2 students.
             enrolled in bilingual programs drop out after the second.
             year (Porter 6). One thing is certain, someone can't learn.
             English if they don't stay in school. The government.
             could use the money in a more useful place like Medicare and.
             housing for the people of the America. Critics have found.
             that 78% of students bilingual education programs do worse.
             than, LEP students in regular English-speaking classes.
             ("Bilingual Ed" 1). .
             Bilingual Education has been found to be isolating.
             students in school from the rest of students who speak.
             English. Some have stated that bilingual education form.
             "ghettos" within schools of students who cannot speak.
             English ("Issues" 358). This is because there is very.
             little contact with English- speaking students.

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