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When a particular gene is under study by scientists they often use this process to generate multiples. .
             Therapeutic cloning is the process of creating human embryos for research. In therapeutic cloning the goal isn't to produce a human, it is used to research human development by the use of stem cells. There will be one day stem cells will be used to replace cells in the treatment of diseases like heart disease, Alzheimer's, and cancer. These stem cells are very important to scientists because they can create almost any cell in the human body. .
             History of Cloning.
             For many years cloning techniques have existed. Envisions of cloning started in the 30s. Even though cloning has really been happening since the fifties, only in the last few years has much attention been brought to it. .
             In 1930 Hans Spemann proposed an experiment that would take the nucleus from a cell of a late stage embryo, a juvenile, or an adult and transplant it into an egg. (Gurdon).
             Robert Briggs and T.J. King took a nucleus from a cell of an advanced frog embryo and added it in to an egg. This experiment failed.
             The same experiment was tried again in 1970 by John Gurdon. The cells developed into tadpoles, but died once they reached the feeding stage. This was a huge milestone for cloning. Many more time the experiment was tried, but they continued to get the same results.
             Steen Willadsen in 1984 claimed he cloned a sheep from embryo cells. Others replicated his experiment with a variety of animal. Cattle, pigs, goats, rabbits and rhesus monkeys were used.
             Human genes were used in the cloning of the famous sheep, Dolly, in 1997. Dr. Ian Wilmut at the Roslin Institute in Scotland was the one who achieved this. Before this, people had thought that cloning was impossible. When Dolly was cloned other scientists stated that they would clone a human before any federal regulations were put into place. All of this added to the fire for debate on the issues of cloning.

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