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A Day Of Infamy


             residents on the island noticed these foreign planes, but after all, the island.
             was a navy base so most dismissed them as an incoming fleet of American planes. .
             The final piece of the puzzle fit together when Commander Murphy got the call.
             that PBY had just sunk a foreign sub. That was at 7:30. Twenty-five minutes later,.
             the first bomb from a Japanese plane was dropped. Numerous bombs were dropped,.
             numerous torpedoes tore apart numerous boats, and in the end the Japanese got away .
             with only 29 planes and 55 men missing. During and after the attacks the harbor was .
             nothing short of chaotic. Men were trapped inside ships, and planes were still dropping.
             bombs so it was difficult to get help out to them. When men were brought in, there.
             weren't nearly enough doctors, nurses or supplies to take care of them. The men who.
             weren't injured were struggling to get the usable ships into conditions to fight, and the.
             overall confusion was too much for some people to handle. The Japanese did not attack .
             Pearl Harbor again. They had their brief, shining moment, and if overall war was what .
             they wanted, then they were pleased with the outcome. It was some time after the .
             attacks that the president was notified. In less than a hour after Roosevelt's six minute .
             infamous speech, it was agreed that the United States would go to war. It wasn't until .
             years later, however, that most would realize the magnitude of these events.
             Day of Infamy provides an detailed account of December 7, ranging anywhere .
             from the standpoint of a nurse to the standpoint of a pilot in action. The book starts .
             with telling about the night before, lending the reader a glimpse of the somewhat serenity .
             of the naval base before the attacks. The most interesting aspect of the book is the.
             way it changes perspectives nearly every chapter, so in one you"re looking critically.
             at the situation as an American, in the next you"re following Sagamaki, a member.

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