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Is it possible to find sympathy with Shylock


You call me misbeliever, cut-throat dog, and spit upon my Jewish gaberdine, and all for use of that which is mine own- His actions towards Antonio are reasonable considering all the pain that Antonio has presented him. Among these were several other reasons for his hatred towards Antonio, one of them being that Antonio lent money out free of interest and it contrasted with Shylock's way of lending money at high interest. Shylock was also a very forgiving person. "I would be friends with you and have your love, forget the shames that you have stained me with." Even after all the cruel things that Antonio has accused him of being, he still forgives and wants to be acquaintances. "I am as like to call thee so again. To spit on thee again to spurn thee too." .
             Feeling sympathy for Shylock is very effortless because of all the evidence that points towards the harsh treatment that he has been acknowledged with. A simple example of this harsh treatment could be when Shylock's daughter Jessica ran away with his ducats and jewels to marry Lorenzo, a Christian. To the central characters and the Elizabethan audience this was a completely highly amusing event. They believed that because Shylock was a Jew, he deserved what he got and that his daughter running away was the best way to punish him. They seek to torment him when he is most vulnerable, when Jessica eloped they taunted him about his loses and mocked him. Salerio and Solanio were constant tormentors of Shylock and they mocked him at every opportunity that they got. "I never hear a passion so confus"d, / so strange, outrageous and so variable, / As the dog Jew did utter in the streets: "My daughter! O my ducats! O my daughter!" Shylock was very obsessive about his money and he did have a good excuse to be like this because everyone around him, the Christians who hated him as much as he hated him or her would jump at any chance to take it off him.

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