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Beowulf In Our Eyes


The evil and immoral beast had been terrorizing the Danes for twelve years, so.
             the great Beowulf killed him by ripping his arm off with his bare hands. This shows great.
             strength because the reader thinks of Grendel, as a huge monstrous creature that is big in.
             comparison to Beowulf. Beowulf again expresses his supernatural strength when he fights.
             Grendel's mother, who is seeking revenge for her son, Grendel's death. Beowulf is able to.
             slay Grendel's mother by slashing her neck with a giant's sword which can only be lifted.
             by a person as strong as he. In the quote "The iron sang its fierce song, sang Beowulf's.
             strength" thus showing how strong he is (Raffel 597-598). After he chops of the head of.
             Grendel, he carries it from the ocean with no hesitation, however it takes four men to lift it.
             and carry it back to mead-hall. The strength of Beowulf shows how it appears as a key to.
             his heroism. .
             In Beowulf, the battle between good and evil is portrayed as one of the poem's.
             main themes. The main character Beowulf represents the ability to do good, whether it is.
             by performing great acts, or by battling evil. In this epic good is portrayed as a cleanser of.
             evil. In this epic many characters such as Grendel, his mother, and the dragon are used to.
             express the overall view of how evil hopes to destroy the good. Throughout the play.
             Beowulf undergoes many acts that make him appear as a figure of good especially by his.
             pledges to kill Grendel and his mother, and his pledge to kill the dragon. The good that is.
             portrayed in the epic begins to show after Beowulf slays Grendel. This fierce act shows.
             the murder of Grendel who is evil as being cleansed by the good. Another example of .
             where good triumphs over the evil is after the death of Grendel and his mother when.
             Beowulf is ready to depart to fight his last battle. By doing this Beowulf has now cleansed.
             the hall of Herot from evil. Although the epic was filled with great acts of good there are.

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