Nader's primary message to shareholders was basically that GM makes "congested and inefficient- means of transportation and that customers should not be responsible for large repair bills because of careless workmanship. Obviously, GM would not let Nader voice his opinion without a response. The vice-president of public relations for GM issued a notice to all shareholders. In the letter, GM chose to take middle ground while answering all charges but avoiding response which would invite further speculation of wrongdoing. .
The annual meeting Nader was using as a forum to address issues went surprisingly well. Of the five proposals on the agenda, two of which were of the Project, only one was ratified. All four of the other proposals including those of the Project, were overwhelmingly defeated by enormous majorities. .
In the aftermath of the meeting, Nader and his group apparently made an impact as GM formed a five-member Public Policy Committee to "inquire into all phases of the corporation's operations that relate to public policy and recommend actions to the full board. Along with that came the Science Advisory Committee to assist in technological and scientific matters involving basic and applied research. .
As for GM and their image, they decided to review their methods in strategic planning. Before the annual meeting, it was stated by the company that they would play a "cool-it- reactive type of company. This, however, is no longer as they decided to swing towards the proactive advocacy tactic. By doing so, they implemented a plan to step up the number of interviews by financial, popular, and trade media with senior GM officials. These meetings led to the publication of a booklet sent out to shareholders, employees, business and community leaders. .
The following year came time for the next annual meeting. Campaign GM offered three more proposals that were all added to the list of issues to be discussed.