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Musical Censorship: The Oppression Of Society


Should we be concerned about our society? Absolutely. Violent and sexual lyrics are indeed something to be concerned about, but the distinction between art and corruption depends on our individual values and perspectives. For every person who believes certain lyrics portray a frightening world, there is another person who finds them deep and powerful because that world is all too real. (Par. 4).
             With this in mind, it is notable that there has been much controversy over lyrical content of popular songs. Musical censorship is the public censoring of musicians based on their lyrical content. Censorship includes the placement of warning labels on musical cases and radio edits, in an attempt to protect children and young adults from violent lyrics. .
             Many citizens feel that censorship is advantageous because, these musicians in question advocate attitudes and behaviors that are socially viewed as objectionable, and inappropriate. Moral institutions and authorities have designated themselves representatives of the American people, and have made attempts to aggress recording artists and companies. Many people, who would like to expurgate creative expression, are simply frightened of the issues certain lyrics contain. Pro-censorship supporters believe that allowing music to be freely expressed will ultimately lead to the deterioration of family values and an increase in violence. Nan Levinson says in the commentary, "BLAME THAT TUNE: Adolescent Speech and Moral Panics" that:.
             Though the original target is usually one specific thing - crime comics in the 1950s, crime-glorifying rap lyrics forty years later - the campaign quickly expands into an effort to stop many things - all comics, all hip-hop - and to blame those things for whatever goes wrong in kids" lives. What these reformers really want is censorship, but since they don't have legality on their side, they rely on public pressure.

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