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Not only are people extremely thirsty but they are also very hungry as well this is known as polyphagia. Other symptoms include blurred vision, nausea, drowsiness, and decreased endurance during exercise. It is very important to take care of the diabetes because if it not taken care of properly one can much more susceptible to infections. The scariest part of type two diabetes is that it can go undetected for years. The increased urination and thirst seem mild at first but as the diabetes progresses so do these symptoms. The symptoms become much more intense after the disease progresses for months or even years. If in rare cases the blood sugar becomes very high, usually as a result of high stress the person may develop severe dehydration, which can lead to confusion, drowsiness, seizures, and a condition called nonketotic hyperglycemic- hyperosmolar coma. This condition can be very dangerous and one must remember this is very rare but it is always important to control and take of the diabetes. .
             The diagnosis of diabetes is made when one has an abnormally high blood sugar level. Blood sugar should be tested annually in physicals or if a doctor suspects the person might have diabetes, especially if a patient is suffering from any of the symptoms for diabetes. It is also important to check if a patient has a family history of diabetes or overweight. Measuring the blood sugar level is easy all the doctor does is take a blood sample after the patient has fasted for eight hours. The blood sugar level should not be very high at all and if it is the doctor usually suspects a problem such as diabetes. People who are at high risk should have their blood sugar tested regularly for diabetes. .
             Once a patient has found they have contracted diabetes mellitus there are many complications that come with this disease. Both acute and chronic complications may develop if the patient does not control their diabetes.

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