These people went on to do great things and make great discoveries that have forever changed the lifestyle we live today. Effectively evaluating students intelligence is a tough process to do. I will talk about that later on and I will also talk about how to effectively teach these gifted students, the do's and don't's of teaching.
Now that intelligence has been defined I will move on to discussing the seven different intelligences separately. Gardner feels as if seven intelligences can account for most situations that occur on a day to day basis. These seven are: linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. Some of the types of intelligence are general and some are more specific. If you are competent in all seven of these areas, you are considered to be gifted. The way that they measure your intelligence level is through questionnaires. These questionnaires ask specific, day to day questions that pertain to the life style you live. The subject participating in the questionnaire puts a check by all the qualities that they possess. If there is a high number of checks in a section of intelligence, it is said they obtain enough intelligence to be gifted in that area.
The first area of intelligence is linguistic intelligence. This area deals with using words effectively in speaking mainly but also in writing. Putting words together so that people can tell that you know what you are talking about. People that are intelligent in this area tend to be appealed to jobs in politics, journalists, and/or poets. They enjoy speaking in public settings and have great confidence doing it. In the questionnaire it would ask questions such as books are important to me or people can't comprehend the words that are being used because they aren't used often. People that score high on this section usually read a lot and have a stronger vocabulary and they use this vocabulary to show intelligent they are.