From then on they were only known as the number. Nobody dared to care of your name and your background.
The camps were not that of children's summer camps where all were fun and games. It was in fact the exact opposite and even more than so. Prisoners arrived to camps packed aboard trains tighter than a can of sardines. Once off the train they were forced into lines. Sometimes that was based on the health of the individual. In all cases, women and children were sent in different lines, even sent to different camps than those of the men. Many men never saw their wives again. In fact, most of the individuals, man, woman or child, never saw their families again.
Once in line they headed off to their next destination. Once could only hope that they were in the line headed off to work in the harsh and unbearable camp conditions instead of the gas chambers, or anywhere else where they knew they were to die. Many men had shredded clothing and shoes with holes in the toes and soles. These rags were anything but suitable for the frigid cold and harsh work trenches. It got to the point where ripping clothes off the dead for warmth became an almost happy experience. Anything they could find to make the experience more bearable and comfortable, they took, if possible.
Work of course was not anymore pleasant. Millions were forced to work under inhuman conditions in Nazi Industry as slave laborers. Prisoners dug ditches and trenches. They worked on the railroads, even carried the dead to their "graves." They were sent on long marches just to get to their work areas. If one man fell, all suffered. You were lucky for the man who helped you stand up before the guard had a chance to notice. That man just saved you from being beat with the butt of a rifle. He saved you from humiliation.
As if the working conditions were horrendous enough, sleeping was no more of a tea party. Men were squashed together on cold wooden floors.