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Modern Views Of The Prehistoric Venus Figurine


             In a modern society there are different views of the Venus figurine, whether it is that of appreciation based on the fact that it is art or a viewpoint that worships it as Mother Earth. A modern day woman that owns a business is well educated considered upper class and a Christian would see this sculpture as an example of ancient art. She may also decide to have one of her own, although only because she enjoys it for its quality as art. Feelings that she may get from the sculpture are of beauty, and she may have a feeling that she is viewed as a different person because she values this object. Although that is all the deeper the spiritual feelings for this object go, there is no feeling or need to worship or know more about what the object represents. .
             Being a Christian she believes in God, Jesus and his returning. The beliefs behind the ancient sculpture contradict her beliefs therefore she doesn't not believe that they or the figurine hold any power, or govern over her life in any way. She believes that God rules over her life as the only creator and higher being, believing in another God would be a sin against the Ten Commandments that she believes and thus flaw her belief system. She also believes that the higher power is something outside of and bigger than herself. The only reason the object is valued is for it's visual beauty, and status brought by having it. The beliefs of Christians have been accepted for quite some time in history and it is not controversial to be a Christian. However being a Wiccan and believing in other things such as spells, and higher powers being contained in everyday objects and within yourself, is a newly accepted religion.
             Wicca, a religion that is based on paleo-European Paganism, has just started a revival in the 20th century. Wicca, which is also known asthe Old Religion,Witchcraft?, orthe Craft?, has grown and diversified throughout the years and is now a joyous, life-affirming Nature religion.

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