This is because teenagers provide the biggest market. .
This topic was chosen because mobile phones play a very important role in teenagers" lives, since it has become a fashion statement, becomes a necessary habit and identity of the teenager. .
1.3 Scope.
This report will focus on:.
1. Teenagers" behavior with mobile phones.
2. Teenagers" attitudes towards mobile phones.
3. Teenagers" beliefs about mobile phones.
4. Differences between male and females" mobile phone usage. .
2.1 Materials.
The material used to collect data during this research is questionnaire. The following materials have also been used as reference:.
• Internet .
• Mobile phone magazines.
• Oxford dictionary.
2.2 Methods.
The method used to collect the data was distributing questionnaires to the teenagers who study at Uniprep. These questionnaires were distributed and completed in the Uniprep building between 11.00 am and 04.00 pm between the dates 15th August and 20th August, 2003. .
The ideal sample population would be the teenagers from age 15 to 18 from all parts of Indonesia. However, because of limited resources, only student in this age group from the Uniprep were interviewed. In total there were 40 interviewees, 20 males and 20 females. These include both students from March and June intake from 3 kinds of stream (science, commerce, and arts-design) in Uniprep. .
The reason why the questionnaires were given in balance to male and female is to study the differences in the opinion toward mobile phones based on their gender. .
Table 1: Number and proportion of sex of interviewees.
Gender Number Proportion.
Male 20 50%.
Female 20 50%.
TOTAL 40 100%.
2.3 Data.
Figure 1.1.
As can be seen, the diagram on the left majority of respondents (82%) uses Nokia as their mobile phones. The second mobile phone type chose by the respondents is Samsung. Lastly, the other mobile phones used are Siemens and Sony Ericsson.