But, as it advanced, each people elected its representatives, its leaders. By making the decision.
in that way, the people themselves proposed who will lead these organizations. The people.
themselves have named us. So first, someone from each people has been named responsible. In.
that way we became the CCRI.",subcommander Marcos.
The way the CCRI is run in terms of leaders can be easily seen by what a young Zapatista.
says, "if some member of the CCRI does not do their work, if they do not respect the people,.
well compa, it is not your place to be there. Then, well excuse us, but we will have to put.
another in your place." This is how the community understands democracy, and its also where it.
is evident that there is no relation to what the PRI currently does. .
While negotiating with the government, the EZLN put ten conditions that had to be met.
before anything.Most of these points were about the present government and its replacement by.
a more transitional one until elections came. It was also wanted that the NAFTA be revised.
None of these were met.
In a recent interview with the subcommander Marcos he blamed the Mexican.
government for not wanting peace talks. " The aim of the government is not to resolve the.
conflict but to make it last longer to undermine the support of the Zapatistas." This interview.
was done on the night before the one year anniversary of the Acteal massacre of 45 Maya Indians.
in the pro-Zapatista Chiapas community of Acteal. " The Mexican government does not care.
about the deaths nor the degrees of human barbarity," said Marcos.
After the massacre, human rights groups and church leaders blamed the Mexican.
government as well, saying that it had not succeeded in disarming paramilitary groups and.
working to find a solution to the 4 year conflict in Chiapas. Since the Zapatistas had been.
planning an uprising in January 1994 but then the government promised negotiations, they.
postponed it. There has still been no negotiating since 1996.