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Men And Women In The Work Place


While women are continuing their success in once exclusively male oriented professions, they are still lacking the respect and equality from their peers, coworkers, and society. The average male lawyer, and doctor make more money than their female equivalent. Even though a woman maybe as qualified as a male for a certain occupation women receive unwanted harassment, and are under strict scrutiny. .
             Women also face something that is called the glass ceiling. From the moment a woman enters the work force after college, she is faced with much discrimination and unjust belief that she will not be able to do as well of a job than a man. A man and a woman, who both have the same education and training for a job, will have a considerable gap in their yearly income.
             There have been changes in regards to women in top positions within the last few years. However, although those advances are positive, they are still nowhere equal. There has been an increase of women in executive jobs for a certain companies. Men and women must work hard together to make things equal.
             Some men need to change their attitudes and actions towards women in the workplace. They need to abandon believing that they are superior to women. Most men truly believe that a woman is simply not capable of doing as well of a job, or better, than a man can do. Therefore, they become extremely unsupportive of women and fail to recognize their accomplishments. They decline to give women raises, higher executive positions, more responsibility and overall respect. Many men have very subtle and low-key ways of showing their discrimination. These men know that it is unlawful to discriminate against women, so they do it in ways that cannot get in trouble. They will go out to lunch, dinner or have drinks with the guys, claiming that it is just a time for male bonding. The truth is that most business relationships develop when employees go out together therefore, leaving the female employees out of the equation.

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