" The second is the focus of this paper and it is called "Mandatory HIV Screening and Testing" by Childress. In the essay "Mandatory HIV Screening and Testing," Childress argues why mandatory HIV testing is unjustifiable. It is a violation of respect for autonomy, rules of liberty, rules of privacy, and rules of confidentiality. The way he argues this is by stating what must be the conditions for overriding prima facie principles and rules. He states and explains these rules one by one an makes it extremely clear why the prima facie principles can not be violated on this issue. According to Childress, there are five conditions which must be met "to justify infringements of these [prima facie principles and] rules" (Childress 559). The first of these conditions is effectiveness. In this case, someone would have to show that violating these rules would benefit and protect the health of society. But, "a policy that infringes the moral rules but is ineffective simply has no justification; it is arbitrary and capricious" (Childress 559). The second of these conditions is proportionality. It involves the actual rules being violated and the consequences of this violation, yet it also includes the consequences that may occur in the future because of the violation of this rule. Next Childress describes that condition is necessity. If there is a better choice, or even a reasonable alternative, the choice or alternative should be taken. The fourth condition is that of least infringement. This is explained best by a quote from the essay. "When liberty is at stake, the society should seek the least restrictive alternative; when privacy is at stake, it should seek the least intrusive and invasive alternative; and when confidentiality is at stake, it should disclose only the amount and kind of information needed for effective action" (Childress 559). The final condition is the principle of respect. This principle is very large and entails a lot of detail.