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Lord of the Rings


He tells the group that the Beast is real; they have seen it. He invites others to come join him and runs off into the forest. Jack's tribe begins to hunt, and they come across a sow and baby piglets in the clearing; they attack and kill the mother sow, while the piglets escape. The head is severed and put on a stick, which is driven into the ground as a gift for the Beast. Jack and his gang raid Ralph's encampment that night and they steal a burning log for their own fire. Meanwhile, Simon finds the pig's head that the hunters had left and he calls it the Lord of the Flies because of the insects that swarm around it. Simon realizes what the beast is and he rushes down the mountain to alert the other boys that the beast is a man. The boys are distracted by a figure emerging from the jungle. They call out that "it's the Beast!" and begin to attack it relentlessly. Mistaken as the Beast by the Jack's tribe, Simon is beaten to death. Jack creates a fortress that is constantly guarded and the rest of the boys pledge their loyalty to him. During the night Ralph, Piggy and the 2 brothers awake to noises outside and they are afraid the Beast has come for them, but is only Jack and his tribe searching to steal fire. Not finding a lit fire they charge into the shelter and in the violent fight that ensues, Piggy's glasses are stolen. After the attack, the four boys decide to go to the castle rock to appeal Jack to return Piggy's glasses. They reach Castle Rock, Roger, the guard, orders them to halt and Ralph blows the conch. Ralph demands the specs to be returned and the tribe laughs at him. As Piggy continues his preaching of democracy, Roger slams the lever holding the boulder, Ralph dodges the rock, but Piggy is struck and he falls forty feet to his death on the rocks below. Jack warns Ralph that that's what he"ll get and the tribe charges sending Ralph running and crashing through the forest.

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