Although there was a sharp decline in many areas of produce, in the long term the grain harvest for example rose from 73 million in 1928 to 75 million seven years later.
Other than the motive of ideology, there is a certain amount of evidence, which clearly show that Stalin introduced Collectivisation because of his desire to intensify his power in his dictatorship. First of all, the "dekulakisation" itself showed that the ruler tried to increase his power through the creation and the elimination of a class enemy. Some contemporary historians questioned the fact that "class-enemy had ever existed. They were not real, but imagined and created by Stalin himself so as to gain even more power". This then provoked fear amongst all the peasants having no choice but to accept the Collectivisation process. As V. Serge said, it was the institution of a "new serfdom", and no one could complain about not receiving enough money without being accused of being a Kulak and killed. Moreover, all these collective farms installed all over in the countryside became very "strong and strategic bases" with the disappearance of the private ownership, making it easier for Stalin to control seriously the parts of Russia even far away from all the major cities. He had earlier expressed the feeling that his regime was "walking on two unequal legs" and now had spread his "strong points", as M. Lewin said, all over Russia. In this way, Stalin saw his political power increase enormously with the hold over the countryside through this period of Collectivisation where no one really could disobey the ruler without any serious consequences. .
After introducing the Collectivisation system to the Russian society, Stalin decided to install what was called "The Five Year Plans" in order to respond to recurrent problems. In fact, Russia was still a poor economically backward country producing fewer industrial goods than many smaller countries, and having an important increase of its population by 20 million, therefore needing to increase their poor production as well.