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Conflict between the Colonies and British Empire


On the part of the colonists they felt like they were being deprived of indivisible rights that were of theirs from birth and more worse is the fact that their right to complain was forbidden. The British viewed the complaints of the colonists on them being taxed without their representation or even consent as a basis of aiming towards independence. In the minds of the colonists the whole issue of them aiming for independence never even entered their minds. The views of the colonies on the whole issue of dependence and independence was that it should not even be considered a factor for in their minds they were all the same subjects of the same country. Yet they are perceived as "rivals and enemies by a country, who ought and might put the surest confidence in us, and who have the greatest reason in the world to lend us their kind assistance." (Page 73) One interesting point is how it is mentioned that the subjects of Great Britain have held the right of not being taxed without their own consent yet this does not apply to the subjects in America. If it doesn't apply to the subjects in America then the British subjects should start to worry about their own rights and liberties. .
             It is very odd how the members of Parliament state that even if the "colonies do not choose Members of Parliament" yet they assert "the Colonies are virtually represented, in the same manner with the Non-electors resident in Great Britain." (Page 79) the question then is whether or not they really are and the answer to this would be that they aren't and its evident by the way they are being treated with taxation such as the Stamp Act without any consent or agreement. It is noted that "the subject shall not be taxed without his consent and this is an essential principle of the English constitution" yet this is not the case for the subjects in America. How can this be the case? The English constitution straightforwardly states that there should be no taxation without representation or consent yet this principle does not apply to the colonists.

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