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Child Law


Mental abuse includes emotional, verbal and psychological mistreatment. A common form of emotional abuse is "I love you, but." That sounds so sweet, yet it is both a disguised criticism and a threat. It indicates, "I love you now, but if you don't stop such-and such, that love is of short duration." It is a constant put-down that works on your self-esteem. Children in this case are very fragile, they look to their parents for love and advice and when that love seems little in amount or their advice, council and support is given in a negative approach they are being abused. All mistreatment takes a toll on self-esteem. The abused person starts feeling helpless and possibly even hopeless. In addition, most emotional abusers are skillful at convincing the victim that the abuse is his/her fault. Somehow the tables are turned and it is made to seem that the victim is responsible for the violence. Mental abuse is a blow of death to your self-esteem. Statically those who are abused will abuse. This means that those parents who are mentally abusing their children most likely went through the same thing in their childhood, and those children today who are being mentally abused by their parents have a great chance of growing up and putting down their own children. This is a vicious circle that should be stopped. In this case, mental abuse is the hardest form of abuse to see. The children that are prisoners of emotional, verbal and psychological abuse don't harbor scars, bruises and other injuries; their pain and suffering occurs on the inside and damages their feelings and emotions. This is the most common type of child abuse and also the most hidden. Internationally there really are not laws put in place to prevent the mental abuse of children although thankfully it is something that is watched closely through organizations such as The Children's Aid Society and UNICF. .
             Most parents love their children and want nothing but the best for them.

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