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Conduct In Military Housing


Garey Scott an investigator with the Provost Marshal's Office located at Fort Bragg stated, ""Gangs are like electricity, they follow the path of least resistance, often targeting middle school kids because they know they can use them to commit crimes and the courts really can't do much; they'll be back out on the streets quickly"" (Hasenauer 3). .
             Theft of personal property especially bicycles is a growing concern. On numerous occasions residents of Lee Village reported the theft of their children's bicycles. A few weeks later the owner recovered the bicycles after spotting a child riding the bike through the same neighborhood from which it was stolen. Military Police were called and visited the home of the alleged thief and found multiple bicycles and parts in the garage. The child's mother denied any knowledge of the bicycles being stolen; the child was only 13 years old. This family is still residing in military housing. .
             Next, are the poor living conditions many of the residents choose to live in. Poor sanitary conditions, pets, and lawn maintenance are areas that greatly affect the community, especially those individuals within the same housing unit. Residents failing to maintain the inside of the home create a breeding ground for roaches, mice, and sicknesses, which can be carried by children to schools and day cares. Having pets in military housing is also a privilege, not a right, and many pet owners abuse that privilege. Several residents leave their pet's waste in the yard for long periods of time causing an overwhelming stench to the surrounding neighbors. Flies and other insects become in contact with the waste and carry diseases and other pathogens throughout the community. These unclean areas not only pose a threat to humans, but to the pets as well. .
             Whether it's domestic violence, gang activity, theft, or poor sanitary conditions it affects everyone in the community.

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