In every business around the world there is some sort of Marketing and .
Every business wants to market its products in a profitable .
manner. Marketing and Advertising firms find out if there is a demand for the .
products that they sell as well as research what ways they think might get their .
product out and buying in larger quantities. They see who is buying their products and .
who is not that way they can see how their products might appeal to those who have.
not yet purchased what they have to offer. Marketing and Advertising firms also .
oversee the need for new products or improvements to the products at anytime, they .
will do whatever it takes to get it to sell sell sell. .
The working conditions for those in Marketing and Advertising are not the .
easiest, even though they might get lovely offices and nice desks the hours are very .
long, at least 50 hours a week. There tends to be a lot of travel involved and a .
large amount of problems and unexpected changes, but these are nothing compared to .
the deadlines that must be met. .
Schwegmann 2.
Advertising and Marketing positions took up about 485,000 jobs in the year .
1998, and they continue to grow with time. There is always a need for Marketing .
and Advertising, being that there are always new business developing and always new .
products to get out into homes and the work force as well.
There is a lot of training and schooling that come before one can land a .
position in the work world of Advertising and Marketing. Most employers require .
that the seeker has a BA in Business Administration with a concentration in .
Marketing. Other classes required would include; accounting, business finance, .
business law and economics just to name a few. The qualifications do not just .
include schooling; someone who is interested in this line of work must be very mature, .
extremely motivated, a self starter and must be able to communicate very well with .