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Magic Mary Jane


             Even though marijuana is illegal, people have shown that it has been very beneficial to them. It has been used to aid people who suffer from various diseases. It helps AIDS and cancer patients surpass pain, vomiting, nausea, and boosts their eating habits. Marijuana also helps people who have glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, and spasticity (American Medical Association). It improves the environment (Boje 46), combats weight loss, and eases severe headaches. Larry, a former student, was diagnosed with cancer two years ago. He lost thirty pounds over a three month period and spent most of his days nauseated. Then one day he decided he would start smoking pot to see if it would help. After a couple of good tokes, Larry got the munchies. He started chowing down on some food and gained back most of the weight he lost.
             Larry, along with other people who suffer from AIDS and cancer, benefit from marijuana. They benefit from it because it's used as an appetite stimulant. According to Joni Commons, a deputy director of the county's health services, "smoking pot was the only thing that relieved her otherwise constant nausea from chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer" (Maier 24). Marijuana helps control nausea, vomiting, and pain, as well as contribute to factors such as "total energy intake, energy expenditure, body weight and composition, quality of life benefits, such as feeling of well being, appetite, and enjoyment of food"(American Medical Association). Kiyoshi Kuromiya, a Philadelphia AIDS patient, claims that "if it weren't for his daily tokes from marijuana cigarettes, he believes he would no longer be alive" (Towle). Marijuana has helped Kuromiya to get his appetite back, so he wouldn't starve to death or become severely unhealthy.
             In addition to being helpful to cancer and AIDS patients, marijuana is being developed as a weight loss drug. Sanofi, a French pharmaceutical marketer, has been experimenting on a treatment for obesity.

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