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This form of government is often broken down and overthrown due to conflicting interests of the governed ("Constitutional Topic: Federalism"). An example of such a government would be early America under the Articles of Confederation. Last is the federal system of government. Federalism is widely respected and has been adopted by a number of leading world powers, including the United States, Canada, Australia and Brazil. Two reasons for choosing a federal system of government include the size of the nation and the diversity of the political subdivision. America is a classic example of these two principles. Its large size makes a unitary system irrational and the diverse interest of the states makes a confederation unfeasible. Another example of a federation is Switzerland. Even though its small size is adequate for a unitary system, there is a major divide in the two languages that dominate the country. Therefore, federalism is a better choice. On the other hand, China being a very large and diverse nation is better suited by the unitary system. It should also be noted that although most communist systems are classified as unitary, this does not have to be the case; the former USSR was a communist country and a federation, at least in its internal structure ("Constitutional Topic: Federalism"). .
             In1 1787,when the Constitution was written, the Framers had a goal. Their objective was to create a government in which they could live without fear of tyranny. They made a number of preventative measures including the division of checks and balances and the implementation of federalism. The idea behind these precautions was to insure that no one person became too powerful and that the power always rested in the hands of the people. The men hoped that their system would withstand time and preserve the freedom of Americans for many generations to come. The actual definition of federalism arose from a disagreement between the delegates.

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