Westminster, Second Company (7): William Barlow, WilliamHutchinson, John Spencer, Roger Fenton, William Dakins,Michael Rabbet, Thomas Sanderson (The Epistles from Romans toJude).Cambridge, First Company (8): Edward Lively, LaurenceChaderton, John Richardson, Roger Andrewes, Robert Spalding,Andrew Byng, Thomas Harrison, Francis Dillingham(I Chronicles to Ecclesiastes).Cambridge, Second Company (7): Andrew Downes, John Duport,William Branthwait, Jeremiah Radcliffe, Samuel Ward, JohnBoyes, Robert Ward (Apocrypha).Oxford, First Company (7): John Harding, Thomas Holland,John Reynolds, Richard Kilbye, Richard Brett, RichardFairclough, Miles Smith (Isaiah to Malachi).Oxford, Second Company (8): John Perin, George Abbot,Richard Eades (died 1604, succeeded by James Montague), SirHenry Savile, Giles Thompson, Ralph Ravens, John Harmer,Thomas Ravis (The Four Gospels, Acts, and Revelation)(Partridge, 164?66; Brown 14?22).Contrary to popular belief, King James did not financethe translation at all. It was the bishops who reservedmonetary contributions to the churches in order to pay forthe cost of printing and publication. The translatorsreceived very little compensation, which is very sadconsidering the complexity of their endeavors.The translators were given specific rules to follow as aguide. They are as follows:(1) The ordinary Bible read in the Church,commonly called the Bishop's Bible, to be followed,and as little altered as the truth of the originalwill permit.(2) The names of the Prophets, and the HolyWriters, with the other Names of the Text, to beretained, as nigh as may be, accordingly as theywere vulgarly used.(3) The old Ecclesiastical Words to be kept, viz.the word Church not to be translated Congregation &c.(4) When a word hath divers Significations, that tobe kept which hath been most commonly used by themost of the Ancient Fathers, being agreeable to thePropriety of the Place and the Analogy of theFaith.