The producer has used a female presenter not just for added entertainment but to relate to the value of Power. We do not normally associate Power with woman, even though a lot of women value power. By showing Snahell Bhatt being very powerful over the snake it shows that other woman can be like her and be very powerful in life. By using a female presenter the producer can also attract more male viewers. When a male sees a female handling a snake like Snahell does, they get a surprise and stay interested in the documentary thinking that something exciting may happen. For the producer to present Snahell being powerful he has used film language to his advantage. Whenever there is a shot of Snahell capturing a snake, the shot is normally a low to high shot looking up at her with the snake being lowdown with the camera. This shows the reader that Snahell is in full control of the situation and that she is very powerful. .
In the documentary The Snake Wrangler we not only see Snahell's working side, but we are also presented with images of her family. The producer has strategically done this to show even though the job Snahell does is very dangerous and at times her life is at risk but she also has a caring family with young kids like any other normal family. To show this to the viewer, the producer has used a great piece of juxta positioning. During the documentary there is a scene where Snahell is loading a gun which she carries for protection, then straight after they show her kissing her daughter good bye as she leaves for work. This is where the producer has presented the audience with the values of life and family. In today's society having to carry a gun for protection is going to extreme measures. This shows the audience that Snahell values her life immensely and will go to extreme measures to protect herself and her family thus valuing life and family. The producer can now get many viewers to relate to this because nearly everyone values life and family.