The ultimate goal of any business dealings is to generate revenues and profits. Thus, to generate this result, a company must abide by the unwritten cultural rules of England. For example, companies should send older representatives, as age represents power and authority. Therefore, if a younger person is sent, it is common practice for the British to generalize that the person is of less authority. This mere fact of authority can tarnish the business dealings as it would be viewed that they are of little importance.
As demonstrated earlier, the British can be offended easily. However, their behavior does not demonstrate such sensitivity to others. British people are considered to be quite blunt in expressing their dislike, but that should not be construed as being offensive. It is common nature for them not to beat around the bush, be blunt, and thus insure a very clear and thorough understanding.
In addition to their many dislikings, the British are not big fans of "curve balls." As seen through their liking of older, more authoritative persons, it is clear that they wish to continue with old tradition and policies. Tradition and policy are major drivers in making decisions, thus making them less susceptible to doing things they never have encountered before. Simply stated, being well educated with their traditional policies and procedural protocols will result in a quicker decision on their behalf.
Contrary to their traditional beliefs, the English have a soft spot for humor, and sales people should use this in their dealings. A little sarcasm and a few witty jokes will make a person more interesting and personable. .
In order to complete a deal there is often a lot of entertaining to do or other types of courting. Dinner is a very important meal to them and often used as a way of entertaining the client or customer. However, it should be known that tea is for teatime and breakfast; while coffee is for after lunch and dinner.