A 55-year-old insurance salesman in Milwaukee, for example, secretly tape-recorded instructions from his boss to "stop selling blacks insurance." In California, Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi uncovered internal company documents proving that the California Insurance Group instructed its agents not to insure African American, Latino, and gay neighborhoods. These restrictions on acquiring insurance have a ripple effect throughout society. As a special commission appointed by President Lyndon Johnson concluded: Without insurance, businesses are left to deteriorate; services, goods, and jobs diminish. Efforts to rebuild our nation's inner cities cannot move forward. Communities without insurance are communities without hope. Research studies have clearly demonstrated that African Americans receive inferior health care due to racism. Sara Rosenbaum, director of the Center for Health Policy Research at George Washington University reported: When you take black and white Americans and exactly the same situation like being hospitalized for a heart attack and having the same insurance, the chance that the black patient will get the advanced care is much less that it is for the white patient. The medical system appears to treat them differently. African American men continue to be paid much less than white men, even when they have comparable education and are employed in similar jobs, according to a Census Bureau report released in 1993. Among college-educated men employed in executive, administrative and managerial jobs, median earnings for African American during 1991 were 77 percent of the figure for whites. The difference for workers with only a high-school diploma was even greater. Racism is also reflected in the "white flight" that usually happens when a substantial number of African Americans move into a predominantly white neighborhood. "Whites just do not want blacks as neighbors," reports Andrew Hacker in his review of the book American Apartheid.