October, which was the end of the year for them. .
2. It often involved a big feast because it was the end of harvest also.
B. The Celts believed that the veil between this world and the next was thinnest at this time of year. .
1. Friends and relatives who had died would often return, with their souls inhabiting an animal - often a black cat.
2. Black Cats have remained a symbol of Halloween even today.
C. In celebration of the recently completed harvest, Celts would give offerings of food to the Gods.
1. They often went from door to door to collect food to donate to their deities.
2. Also, young Celts would ask the townspeople for kindling and wood, and take it to top of .
the hill for the Samhain bonfire.
3. These are the two possible origins of the modern "trick or treating" ritual.
D. Samhain was a fire festival.
1. Sacred bonfires were lit on the tops of hills in honor of the Gods.
2. The townspeople would take an ember from the bonfire to their home and re-light the .
fire in their family hearth. .
3. The ember would usually be carried in a holder, usually a turnip or gourd. .
E. The Celts felt nervous about walking home in the dark on account of the evil spirits.
1. They dressed up in costumes and carved scary faces in their ember holders.
2. They hoped that the spirits would be frightened and not bother them.
3. This is why we carve pumpkins and children dress up for Halloween.
II. For the next eight centuries, the activities going on at the end of October began to change.
A. According to website "The Origins and History of Halloween" at .
www.tartans.com/halloween.html, the term "Jack-o'-lantern" came from an Irish folk tale of the .
18th century.
1. Jack was mischievous Irishman that had tricked the Devil into climbing an apple tree.