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In Vetro Fertilization


Scientists are optimistic that in the future the process will have a success rate of 100%, but until that occurs the fact that so many eggs are aborted is not justified. During this development of the procedure, knowledge becomes an end itself, not just the end of a new live man (Schooyans, p. 27). In order to compensate for this poor success rate, doctors have begun to produce multiple implantations to increase the success rate. But there is a flaw in this procedure as well. If three embryos are implanted, the success rate does not become 30%, there is still a 10% success rate for each implanted egg. This does bring up the possibility of multiple pregnancies to occur. At this time, the doctor must manually abort any "extra" successful implantations. Again, this is a direct selective abortion of a potential human being (Schooyans, p.33) The doctor, and the parents show no signs of respect to the life of the number of embryos that it conceives (Schooyans, p.33). The success of producing a living child through in vitro fertilization is uncertain, while it is certain that a new human person was created. So by disposing of embryos which were not implanted and disposing of the "extra" embryos which occurred during multiple implantations abortion occurs. Abortion is the deliberate removal of a potential human being which is immoral according to the rights of a human person already discussed.
             The Natural Law "demands a permanent union of man and woman because only such a union can fittingly realize nature's purpose regarding propagation and rearing of human beings," (Higgins, p.360). Children, or the propagation of the species, is the ultimate end of the conjugal society. When two people (a man and a woman), are married, they form the domestic society. The common good of the domestic society is reproduction of the species, the creation of new man is the end of the couple. It is the plan of nature for children to be the end of personal union between two people where one body in flesh is created from two (Higgins, p.

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