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Human Resource Management


Human Resource Management involves a conceptual shift away from regarding employees as a cost to be managed towards and asset to be nurtured and developed The main areas of difference between Human Resource Management and tradition Personal, therefore, lie in the emphasis given to strategic fit and integration in Human Resource Management, and the emphasis on managing the culture of the organisation in line with the espoused values of "developmental humanism- other differences relate to the fact that | Human Resource Management is aimed very much at managers as well as employees, where as personal was often seen as something that managers did to workers, and that, because of its centrality to strategy, Human Resource Management should be delivered where ever possible by line managers and should be part of the strategic decision making apparatus of an organisation
             Human Resource Management has become more influential in company decision-making, yet has declined as a separate department with in the organisation as HR tasks and decision have been devolved to line managers. Many leading edge HR practitioners now see themselves more in an internal consultancy capacity assisting line managers to devise and implement more sophisticated ways of managing people rather than implementing and managing those systems themselves. Human Resource Management strategy should be formulated and supported from the most senior levels of the organisation. Human Resource Managers Responsibilities: Human Resource managers can play several responsibilities in an organisation. The more roles is does play, the more likely it will be effective in improving the companies productivity, enhancing the quality of work life in the organisation, complying with all the necessary laws and regulations related the human resources utilisation. 1.

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