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             o Nephropathy.
             o Nocardiosis.
             o Persistent fever.
             o Toxoplasmosis.
             o Varicella.
             Category C- Severely Symptomatic (surveillance case definition for AIDS).
             o Combination of at least two culture-confirmed infections within a two-year period.
             o Septicema, pneumonia, meningitis, bone or joint infection, abscess of an internal organ or body cavity.
             Current Statistical Demographics.
             More than 500,000 cases have been diagnosed in the United States. In 1993, HIV became the leading cause of death among people ages 25-44. By the end of 1997, 641,086 cases were reported; 100,280 cases were children ages 0-12 and 540,806 cases were teens through adults .
             ages 13 and older. In the cases of adults, 82% were male, 51% of those men had intercourse with another male, and 18% were female. If you categorize the statistics by race, 47% were white, 43% were African Americans, 18% were Hispanics, 1.0% were Asian and American Indians, and 1.0% were Alaskan natives and Pacific Islanders.
             Psychosocial Implications.
             There are five major emotions that have come in terms with this disease. They are anger, depression, fatigue, fear, and guilt. .
             The first emotion is anger. The reasons for anger are:.
             The person feels singled out by the virus.
             The person is mad that they got sick at a young age.
             The social stigma, rejection, and even abandonment this virus provokes.
             Frustration at losing control of your life.
             The way people express their anger is directly and openly, private, obliquely, and they take their anger out on whatever is near. .
             The next emotion is depression. The reasons for depression are:.
             They are stuck in a frustrating disheartening situation.
             Predisposition- depressed before diagnosis.
             The virus itself.
             Unexpressed anger.
             Unexpressed anger will disappear if the anger is recognized and dealt with, if it runs its course of a couple of days or weeks, by doing some sort of mental or physical activity, or even by talking to a doctor or psychiatrist.

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