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Defining Intrinsic Motivation


Motivation is significantly related to expectation of success; for example, when children believe they can accomplish something they are more likely to do so (Wigfield, Eccles & Rodriguez, 1998). Deci and Ryan (1987) suggest that events which foster self competence will enhance and maintain intrinsic motivation however, in contrast, events which hinder self competence will decrease intrinsic motivation. Secondly, when individuals obtain a positive sense of their ability to perform a task they are more likely to choose to perform and persist at that task children who believe they control their achievement outcomes should feel more confident in that activity as they are able to display an amount of structure, autonomy and involvement (Wigfield, Eccles & Rodriguez, 1998). Experiments were conducted by Deci and Ryan (1987) where children were firstly engaged in freelance activity and then alternatively engaged in activities which were externally constrained. Findings displayed that those who were engaged in the freelance activity received positive feedback and gained confidence displaying intrinsically motivated interest in other new activities (Deci & Ryan, 1987). .
             The experiment also showed that apparent personal choice about peripheral conditions under which an activity was engaged lead to enhanced intrinsic motivation in that activity. Finally, one construct closely related to intrinsic motivation is interest and what researchers have particularly identified as individual interest, which incorporates both knowledge and value about an activity (Wigfield, Eccles & Rodriguez, 1998). Research conducted by Lepper and Cordova (1992) found fantasy/empathy tasks had the most significant impact in heightening a child's intrinsic interest as the fantasy context led students to use more efficient and elaborate problem solving strategies, which in turn produced higher levels of performance and achievement.

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