But throughout the incident he was heard muttering his hatred towards whites and how he was pissed due to his ancestors having to suffer. Of those shot, two were white and one was Asian. The rest of the bar was also white. So what charge did this black racist get? Only attempted murder and criminal posession of a weapon. Meaning some day, he will be a free man. How absurd is this?.
Or what about Ronald Taylor from Pittsburgh, who fatally shot 3 people and wounded two. Taylor was black, all five of his victims were innocent whites, including a university student, a Catholic priest, and a repairman, who were the three shot dead. But where was the media for this one too? There was no controversy surrounding this story either, most blacks didn't even condemn the act and refused to believe it was racially motivated. Bullshit. .
I guess Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are too busy womanizing or getting coked up to condemn these black on white crimes, yet will jump at the moment to condemn a white who attacks a white.
The list goes on: Colin Ferguson, a black, killed 6 whites and wounded dozens more, all of who were white. This case received no pressure to prosecute fully or classify the crime as a hate crime. The only media attention it received was to portray him as a victim of oppression, and whether he had some traumatic past that could explain for his crime. There's tons more of these types of cases, but no need to list them all.
It's also a fact that whites outnumber black greatly. Blacks have also been shown to have higher crime rates than whites. Meaning by percentage of population and crime rate, blacks commit far more crimes. Yet most hate crimes reported have been white on some minority, and only a few have been a minority on white? Are you telling me all minorities are incapable of being racist or discriminatory?.
Also, it is very hard to prove the motive of an actual random act of violence.