It all starts when you find your self not doing something you want to do just because you are not supposed to do it. Then you start thinking of the consequences and think of how you would like to change the world from its old not working way to the new way you start. I think about how I would like the world to be. An example is, when I feel like a hug and I do not have any friends around, I ask the strangers around me for a hug.
For being deviant, certain things happen short term. People laugh or they get mad. I think they sometimes laugh because they are uncomfortable with the change in reality I present to them. When I offer them a bite of my food they laugh, then they look around. They look around to see if anyone is watching or just to see the world around them. They look around because they are hungry and where thinking about food and would like to take me up on the offer but something inside knows that they are not supposed to. They think hard and eventually their thoughts associate strangers with danger. I might be a murderer trying to poison her. She even tells me these things. She tells me how hungry she is and how she would very much like to have some of my lunch but she just can not and leaves her explanation as empty as that. I ask her if she knows the guy working at the burger king in the union, and if not why can she trust that stranger to give you food but not I. She says she gives him money. Well then give me money! It all boils down to institutions and socialization. How history and places teach us society. Plus how we learn what is socially acceptable by our interaction with others and our comprehensive induction into society as individuals.
I was late for class one day and saw a cop at the red light on Kenwood and Lake. I knocked at his window and asked if I could hop in the car and get a ride to school. I never made it to class because instead of giving me a ride to school they extensively searched me for drugs and questioned me about my behavior.