In response to this problem,"All Fifty states including Washington D.C. have placed some type-- of restrictions on public access to certain firearms"(Cooper 159). Many types of assault type weapons are not available to the public. This law is supported by both gun owners and non-gun owners. This type of law is neseceary for the safety of many. The problem of acess to guns has been a major problem in the history of the United States. "First regulation was the 1934 Firearms Act, it put a $200 tax on fully automatic guns. Then in 1938 Federal Firearms Act, it required Federal License to gun dealers and required them to keep records of buyers" (Cooper 165). This was the first of many Federal Legislative actions that limited access to guns. These laws would later be strengthen in 1968, with further laws. In 1938, in response to the assinations of Dr. Martin Luther King and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, Congress passed another major gun-control legislation (Idelson 1022). As a result of many violent attacks on prominate figures in the U.S., the Government saw the need for tighter gun-control. The easy accessibility of guns might have caused these assinations. "The 1968 Federal Gun Control Act regulated interstate commerce in firearms and prohibited their sale to minors, felons, and addicts" (Gun Control). Although not a strict law it limited a few things, that were greatly needed. One of the newest attacks on guns is the well publizied Crime Bill. It will cost an extreme amount at an estimated $10.8 billion. It bans certain types of assault weapons, while it specifically does not effect certain types of hunting and sporting guns. Furthermore it includes the three strikes and you're out program (What the). The points of the Crime Bill are supported by most of the American public, it is a strong and important step in the gun control process. The banning of many types of assault weapons is the foremost idea.