Exposure. People tend to be with other people who they have been with repeatedly.
Reciprocity. People join group because they feel the same with each other.
Basking in reflected glory. And one of the biggest reason of joining a group is people loves to associate themselves with successful, prestigious groups.
The most common reasons for joining groups.
Goal achievement.
Affiliation. Humans by nature are sociable. Joining groups provides them a way to interact with other people to satisfy their social needs.
Goal achievement. Joining a group makes utilisation of knowledge easier. Therefore, difficult problems and tasks are solved much more easily. There is more information in a group that in any of its members. .
Power. Forming groups allows individuals to gain power. For example in an organisation employees gain power over their employers when they form unions. Students on the other hand, also gains power over the school administration when they form Student Council. Joining groups allows individuals to confer power, which they would not have as individuals.
Status. In some areas being in a group allows somebody to be look up unto. E.g. memberships in some service club or a political body. .
Self-esteem. People have a basic desire for self-esteem. Joining groups nurture self-esteem. If one belongs to a successful group, the self-esteem of its members is boosted.
Security. There are some cases that an individual may need protection form other groups or more powerful individuals- being in group gives an individual a sense of security. .
Benefits and drawbacks of forming groups.
Its always a given that one must take a cursory examination of something before doing it. In this way he would be able to determine whether or not something is worth doing or not. In the case of forming groups there are certain benefits and drawbacks associated with it.