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Group Interactions


Another benefit of working in groups is that there is a comradery and friendship that is formed that many people like to work with. So personal satisfaction goes up.
             Stage 2,Storming.
             The storming phase is one that is characterized by intergroup conflict. It is were personal resistance to the group in expressed and conflict over who will control the group is worked out. I did not find much of this to be true which view does not mesh with research. Due in large part to sameness of our group the storming phase of our group development was less like a storm and more like one of those light sprinkles when the sun still shines. There was some personal opposition to working in groups expressed but it didn't last long and was not disruptive.
             Conflict .
             There are several views of conflict. The traditional view says that all conflict is bad and harmful and must therefor be avoided. On the other end of the spectrum lies a much newer view. It is the interactionist view of conflict. This is the belief that conflict is not only a positive force in a group but that it is absolutely necessary for a group to perform effectively. They hold this view because they think that a group that has no conflict is more prone to be non-responsive to needs for change and will more likely suffer from group think. Group think happens when everyone wants to get along so well that they don't really look at the consequences and alternatives to a decision made by the group.
             There are several forms of conflict including functional conflict and dysfunctional conflict. Dysfunctional conflict is the sort that interferes with the performance of the group. Studies show that the leading causes of dysfunctional conflict are structural factors, such as different and opposing goals, and differences in individual values.
             Among the nine conflict management techniques listed on page 392 of the textbook are superordinate goals which is were you come up with goals that cannot be reached without cooperation.

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