We all needed each other to fulfill these assignments thus causing us to be a team.
Successes and Failures.
As a team, we were very successful. From an academic standpoint, we achieved two high B's and one A on our group projects. This academic success resulted from the success of our team's development. .
As stated in the introduction, our first assignment really helped us to break through the initial stage: the forming stage. In the forming stage, we successfully established goals and ground rules for our team as well as got to know one another on a personal level. As a whole there was not much of a storming stage. Everyone seemed to get along and there were not any personality clashes except in my case. I would say that I experienced a bit of a storming stage when I felt as though one of our team members was trying to take over and control the team. I kept my opinions to myself because it was probably more of an issue within myself being the youngest and least experienced. However, I quickly came to learn that that it is just her style to be organized and clear on all communications between the members. This is where the norming stage of our development took place. Again, as a whole, I think our group jumped right into the norming stage. Everyone found their role in the group fairly quickly and we tackled the assignments, hence entering into our performing stage. At the close of our last assignment, we all adjourned on good terms and even shared who is taking what courses in the upcoming semesters to see if anyone would be taking identical courses so we could work together again.
Another success was our weekly chats or meetings. In the beginning of the semester, we decided that every Thursday at 9pm we are to meet in our study group chat room and discuss any upcoming assignments. These meeting were very successful because we accomplished the goals set forth for each meeting.