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Green Anacondas


             The name anaconda comes from the Asian Indian Singhalese language. The Tamil word for anaconda is "antichlor" which means elephant killer. No one really knows why this name was made to represent a South American Snake, unless an anaconda and python are mistaken for the same species. Both snakes are great swimmers. They are the two largest snakes in the world. The early Spanish settlers referred to the anacondas as a matatoro or bull killer. Anacondas are dark green with alternating oval black spots. Anacondas are also the heaviest snakes in the world. They can weigh up to 550lbs, and measures up to 29 feel long. The center of the body may be up to 12 inches in diameters. Anaconda's life span is 15-20 years in the wild and up to 30 years in captivity. Anacondas have a slow digestive system. It often takes days or weeks to digest its food. After a meal an anaconda may not eat for as long as two years. These carnivorores eat a wild diet of capybara, deer, fish, turtles, caiman, and dogs. But at the Zoo they are fed rats. Green Anacondas can be found in the Savannas, Grasslands, Rainforests, Scrub forest, and deciduous forest. But anacondas like to spend most of there time in water. Due to their large size it may seem sluggish on land, but the water is capable of surprising speeds both on surface and under water. Anacondas also have extremely keen senses. It uses its tongue by flicking it to test the environment and to search for prey. The green anaconda has no special status. All anaconda trades are prohibited in most South American countries. But some illegal trade occurs, but their "dull" color isn't popular. Anacondas have no real predators because of its size; humans" encroachments are the main problem. I think that these are cool animals they are just miss understood. But I would never go by one ever because I don't like them.

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