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             It is important to realize that with every international policy or judgment there will be consequences. While investements may create jobs in areas of high unemployment, they also create labor issues such as wage, work conditions, child labor laws and health benefits. Many of the organizations protesting at the meeting of international organizations argue that "big bussines", or interantaional corporate power has too much control over the interanational agreements and there by manipulates and missuses their policies and regulations to maximize on their own benefits. .
             Several major corporations have been accused of many mistreatments of world trade policies, and in some extreme cases the philosophy of capitalism has fallen under scrutinization and attack. "Big money" capitalists are accused of "ingoring the social welfare of individuals, and destroying cultures and the ecology in the quest for growth and profit." (1) .
             To better understand the arguments presented by the protesting organizations, one must first take a closer look at the protesting organizations them selves and their private individual agendas. The big bulk of the protesting organizations, can be considered left of centre activist, such groups as AFL-CIO, which appears at such protests on behalf of labours's interests. PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, and Rainforest Action Network, Erarth first!, Direct Action Network, Radical Roots, and Global Trade Watch are several of the animal-rights and enviormentalist support groups. Almost all ways these orgaizaions promote civil and peacefull protests, that do not involve any type of violence. On the other hand some of the more extreme organizaions that also support animal-rights, and environmentalists agendas and also including anti abortion activism, support a more direct action. Groups such as the Third Position, Anarchist Action Collective, Black Army faction all support the anti-globalization agenda.

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