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This leaves the country with the decision to either allowing big business into their country or isolate them selves from the rest of the world.
             If a country chooses to open them selves up to the rest of the world it can greatly impact its society. When a countries" "walls are inevitably breached by the Electronic Herd, and when that happens, and people start to lose their own cultural identity, they end up becoming assimilated in their own country. Their country becomes just a place through which other countries and cultures pass" (Freedman, 1999, p. 296). This is the leading problem with globalization. When companies move in, people in the country worship them because of how modern it makes them feel to have a worldwide business down the road from them. .
             Through out history cultures have introduced new ideas and foods to each other. They would take these new concepts and blend them into their own culture but still keep their original customs. This is no longer happening due to globalization. Now cultures often obtain new foods and ideas through worldwide businesses and replace their native foods and customs with them. "I've got people in small [rural] towns around Malaysia queuing up for Kentucky Fried Chicken- they come from all over to get it. They want to be associated with America. People here like anything that is modern. It makes them feel modern when they eat it" (Freedman, 1999, p. 294). This is the exact reason why businesses like Kentucky Fried Chicken move to substandard countries. They know people in these types of countries desperately want to feel connected to the rest of the world, so they move in and build fast food restaurants all over the country. This is how citizens loose their appeal for their native food. They've been eating their original for years so they figure the change is great. But they don't stop to realize the impact this while have on the younger generations style of eating.

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