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             The idea of globalization is a greatly misconstrued, detrimental policy to those countries and people outside of the North American sphere of life. Today there is much controversy over economic globalization concerning free trade and fair trade. This is a very powerful debate because it concerns globalization and whether or not dominant, developed countries are being fair to smaller, weaker countries. It also brings up the issue of whether or not these stronger countries are striping away the true meaning of free trade and creating unfair trade. Unfair trade occurs because they are not allowing developing countries to trade without enforcing restrictions. These restrictions are caused by the fact that developed countries are much more powerful than their underdeveloped counterparts; as a result, these underdeveloped countries must suffice to the stronger power's needs and therefore decrease prices or lose products completely. Fair trade, on the other hand, is trade that occurs when producers receive a fair price for their goods.

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